About the Game Originators: Abraham-Hicks

The Prosperity Game was first introduced by ABRAHAM-HICKS (teachers of Deliberate Creation) as a simple, fun, and empowering way to practice living as “the creators of our own reality.”

Which is why, since 2002, tens of thousands of individuals across the globe have embraced the free, online “Choosing Prosperity Game” as a powerful tool for transforming our experiences of money and prosperity.

Abraham is a group of highly evolved teachers who speak their broader non-physical perspective through the earthly vessel of Esther Hicks (pictured left with Elyse Hope Killoran and Jerry Hicks.) They express clearly and simply the laws of the universe, explaining in detail how we can deliberately flow with these laws for the joyful creation of whatever we desire. Abraham speaks to our level of comprehension (from their present moment to our now) through a series of loving and brilliant (yet comprehensively simple) teachings.

Inspiration regarding the Prosperity Game Process by the Originators

By writing checks, using your imagination, writing the memos, focusing as you write, and feeling no resistance as you write the checks because there will be no fear of overspending, you will achieve what is necessary in the achievement of anything: You will have made a statement of desire while you are in the state of non-resistance, or better said, in the state of allowing.

So, not only will you have the benefit of an expanded imagination, but your point of attraction will shift, and your life experience will then shift as well. Not only will your financial situation improve, but all manner of things that you have focused upon with pleasure will begin to flow into your experience.

Joyously playing this Prosperity Game will not only improve your financial state of being, but every aspect of your life will improve as well. It will not only help you to activate more vibrations around things you want, but it will assist you in focusing, more of the time, in a way that allows the things that you want to flow into your experience.

Playing this game will cause you to offer a more expansive, expectant vibration. And it is our promise to you that manifestations will begin to arrive in response to your changed vibration.

– Abraham-Hicks in Ask and It is Given pages 177 – 181

If you’d like to learn more about Esther and Jerry Hicks and the teachings of Abraham, visit the Abraham web site or click to purchase an introductory book or DVD below.


  1. I am VERY GRATEFUL for having received this GREAT GAME. This note is to THANK this friend who has shared it with me and to THANK all those who have made this GAME available to everyone. May GOD BLESS the authors and BLESS anyone who HAS EMBRACED and ACCEPTED it as a tool that will teach them how to BE – DO & HAVE whatever they wish to BE – DO & HAVE, so they can LIVE the PROSPEROUS LIFE that GOD INTENDED for them to LIVE.
    I am falling in LOVE with this GAME and I am ENJOYING every minute that I spend playing it. THANK YOU

  2. James Grant says:

    Thanks for showing me how to prosper with the help of Universe.

  3. James Grant says:

    Prosperity is for all and the universe helps us to creature.
