Craft A Personal Prosperity Contract

This “Choosing Prosperity Contract” is an agreement between yourself and the energies of higher consciousness that are available to support you.

By completing this contract in a way that uplifts and inspires you, you will be bringing yourself into a state of intentionality, allowing and receiving.

Your declaration of willingness to release your “money stories” of the past will enable you to align with “Choosing Prosperity” much greater ease.

To compose this powerful personal contract, go to


  1. ~ You understand that every individual and collective affliction on the planet could be overcome if a critical mass of people became attuned to personally manifesting his/her own prosperity and you desire to be a part of this type of revolutionary community.

  2. Elyse, thankyou for bringing this game into my life. On my material/ finances, the shift hasn’t occured as yet, but i am hopeful and will continue to do the alignment work necessary. My question is if the Prosperity Contract is printable?
    I would like to add it to my vision board.
    Sincerely Grateful,

  3. I love this game, and I also loved the 30 day Prosperity Challenge we did back in ohhh October 2009? I hope to see another one of those again =) I found that I was able to shift my mind in that time to focus on receiving, on seeing what I had and have, on gratefulness and feeling fulfilled. PLus I got to meet other really great people doing it.
    Love what you do Elyse! Thank you! -Charlene

    • So Charlene, what impact did the 2009 game make on the material plane? Were you able to increase your prosperity or improve your day-to-day life? Did you start or make a significant improvement in your business? I am loving the game so far (this is my first time) and I think that positive thought/ action can create miracles, but so far that hasn’t happened in my life (my life is not bad by any stretch of the imagination but I want to manifest more money so I am not living paycheck to paycheck).

      Thank you Elyse for putting this out there.

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