The evocative question is: What
has been the most significant, most surprising or most fulfilling
shift that occurred for you as a result of your PPP experience?
I have LOVED the PPP. I was
just looking the other day and it seems I have been in the PPP program for
over 5 months.
The shifts in my thinking have been enormous. Most of my big shifts have
been in the 'limitless' of it all. No matter how much we really 'Think'
that we are thinking big, there is always so much more :)!!!
The community is amazing and I have met some incredible people. I would
encourage ANYONE to give the PPP a try. It's life changing and you DESERVE
to give yourself this gift.
Shelby Collinge
When I began the PPP about
four years ago, I was very wounded. I was recovering from a situation
where I was "let go" and I really lost belief in myself and was very
afraid to try anything new.
A quick scan around my
website will illustrate that I have certainly left that place behind.
The PPP introduced me to
processes, resources and language that helped me make
sense of it all, leave it behind and come to a place of peace as I now
deliberately create my world and that is so much more fun...
The bonus is that I have an
enormously rewarding career coaching others with deliberate creation and
identifying and eliminating barriers to what they want.
Now I get to delight in the
success of others as well as my own. Does it get any better than that!?
Cora Whittington
Dear Elyse,
Participating in the PPP has given me the tools to make a great energy
shift with ease and grace, helping to heal not just me, but also my most
difficult relationships. I've done a lot of work on myself over many
years, read many books, trained in different disciplines, but it's only
now that I truly understand the words "heal yourself and you heal the
world". Beyond that, the changes in my reality have been nothing short of
staggering - more and more synchronicities, signs leading to inspired
actions and support from the most unexpected places. I look forward with
joy and excitement to even more miracles during the rest of my (long!)
Thank you, Elyse. And by the way, your Anchoring Prosperity CD is a
wonderful tool. I'm finding my connection to prosperity consciousness
growing and strengthening every time I listen to it.
Joan Bird
My core belief has always
been that (in the end) my dreams will not come true. This foundation was
instilled in me from a very young age. Even though I have always been
successful in different arenas of theatre and writing, I still didn't
believe I could do it professionally. Now, being in the PPP, even as a new
member, I feel a shift in my belief. I'm not as scared, depressed, or
stressed. Those elements are still there, but they are not 24/7 anymore.
Fabulous developments have
occurred already in my creative fields, and will continue. The PPP with
it's weekly teleclass, monthly coaching, and the support of the Yahoo
group is like a bridge taking me across to the place of abundance and love
that I always knew was there. I just didn't allow myself to "Go there."
It's still coming from inside me, but it's made my connection to positive
action stronger. Now, I know that I will (and am - to keep it in present
energy tense) acting and writing professionally, and I'm making my living
from my creative
That is my miraculous realization launched by the PPP experience.
Thank you! : )
The shifts that have
happened to me in the past few years from aligning myself with the PPP,
the advanced program and ultimately becoming a certified guide have
touched all areas of my life. My relationship to money and "letting it in"
is now healthy. The healthcare office that my husband and I have has been
transformed from a one-lane road to a superhighway of wondrous solutions
for people in pain. Resolutions to our own and others' health issues have
come from our more deliberate, focused intent to receive information.
Opportunities to give back to others have arrived perfectly in our lives
and I have been very surprised by the success we have found by choosing to
stay and bloom where we are planted instead of trying to find the perfect
place to start over. This was due to the PPP. Our relationship with each
other is stronger than ever because of gifted teachers we found through
the PPP.
What happened to me because of the inspiration, challenge and fun of the
PPP programs is that fear got replaced with freedom to succeed.
Molly Campbell
Wonderful changes are
taking place since joining the PPP just a few weeks ago. Before I started
doing the program, I had a lot of theoretical knowledge but was attracting
mixed results into my life. I tried to be positive, but some things
triggered me into fits of anger and self doubt that I didn't know how to
deal with.
Now, I have been given information that has shifted my perspective and I
feel confident that my old wounds are healing. I am coming back into
balance and that is reflected in all areas of my life right now. I have
faith that without those things holding me down, I am free to soar like an
eagle. I know that I am already on the path to success.
I am at the beginning of my journey but for the most part I am very happy
and grateful these days. I am attracting differently and these little
changes are bringing great pleasure into my life: a miserable one and a
half hour commute along a congested interstate has been replaced with a
45-minute drive down lovely country roads, feeling taken advantage of has
been replaced with feeling (and really being) well loved and appreciated,
indecision in important areas of my life is being replaced with
dedication, a stale protein bar is replaced with a grilled salmon with
salad and rice.
Lot’s more abundance is coming my way. I can’t wait to write about my
progress at my one-year celebration.
Elaine McCarty
Dear Elyse,
Thank you for helping me to transform my experiences in so many ways. I
have been playing the prosperity game off and on for years. I went from
being a financially desperate single-mom who was living from paycheck to
paycheck to an independent woman who has created an experience that allows
me to work part-time yet get paid for full-time work. I get to take my
11-year-old son to school and pick him up and I haven't worried about
money in over two years. I recently joined the PPP because I have some new
and grand goals and need another boost to get past the mixed results I've
been experiencing! I know that I can do this with the helpful and wise
support that I am receiving through partnership with you and our wonderful
Many blessings,
Sheen Perkins
I have been a member of the
PPP program since July (I think...). One of the greatest blessings for me
is the feeling of unconditional love and support from the group (members
and leaders). It has given me strength to move forward during times I
otherwise would have liked to retreat. I am also currently involved in a
process where the outcome is yet to be determined re: a relationship. And
the best thing about that, is that I am truly not attached to the outcome.
I KNOW that whatever happens is for my highest and best good (and for all
of those concerned). I KNOW that everything in life has directed me to
this moment and that there is a greater purpose and unfolding in my life
way beyond my elementary understanding. I KNOW that I am guided and loved
by a benevolent universe that moves me towards my good if I will only
trust. PPP has been a valuable part of this awakening for me and I am
truly grateful. Thank you, Elyse, fellow PPP-ers, Spirit, and spiritual
helpers. And thanks to me for giving myself the gift of this awesome
program. May those who participate in this program be blessed by miracles
that exceed their grandest dreams. Namaste'.
Janis Pulliam
I’ve been participating in
the PPP program since August 2006, about 2 ½ months.
Frankly I can hardly
remember back to that time, because so many doors have opened I didn’t
even know existed prior to that time. I’ve been lead to wonderful
resources and connections with amazing and gifted guides. I truly feel
blessed and in deep gratitude.
Specifics of what I’m
enjoying because of my PPP journey:
- Daily checks from the
Universe that are expanding my 'prosperity set-point'. I’m on Day 75 of
receiving a check. What generosity! What possibility! What a full list of
'what I want to be, do and have', and so much of it has come to pass
beyond my wildest dreams!
- My God Jar - and writing weekly memos to the Universal Manager of the
Well Being - surrendering what is not mine to tend to.
- Weekly teleclasses that lead me deeper into the magic and miracles of
abundance and prosperity. Monthly group calls with rich metaphorical
visualizations thanks to Susan Reid at My own personal -Creation Declaration- thanks
to guidance from Beth Vaughn, CPG, that blesses me daily.
- The delight of bringing books forward within my business partners thanks
to Lynne Klippel of featured in the 2006 Showcase.
- Feeling an increasing inner peace that ripples from the inside out
moment to moment.
- Feeling vibrantly alive and consciously making the choice over and over
to 'feel good'.
- Defining in clearer more vivid detail what I want.
- A powerful Mastermind Group that supports me in moving forward on my
Thank you Elyse, for choosing prosperity and setting in motion the ripple
effect of such goodness and goodwill!
Pam Peyron
Since I started the PPP
more than 1 1/2 year ago now, I have seen my life improving and shifting
on many levels. From feeling as a victim of “outside” circumstances, I
became a conscious creator of my life. Now, not only I am able to attract
more and more of what I truly desire into my life, but it all manifests in
a much shorter time. Sometimes almost simultaneously. I am more in tune
with what I want. My life is unfolding everyday with little miracles and
gifts. And sometimes big ones. Like the place that I live right now: a
little house with a "million dollar view! The best view of the whole
valley", like everyone says!! And I am not a millionaire yet! But I feel
so blessed! I am so grateful and happy to be here! I am amazed each time I
look outside! So much beauty surrounding me!! This is such a drastic
difference from where I lived and how I felt 14 months ago.
Whether it is people that I need coming into my life or material things or
circumstances that are beneficial to me, my whole life is in
transformational gear to reach my full potential. I feel empowered and
connected to the Source of all, the Infinite Universal Energy that creates
everything. My life flows with much more ease and joy! What is no longer
needed or no good to me just moves out effortlessly to make place for what
is supportive to my personal growth, emotionally, physically, mentally,
spiritually, financially, professionally ...
As long as I stay in alignment with that feeling of gratitude and total
trust, good things flow gracefully and joyfully into my life! And if I go
off track... like Dr Wayne Dyer says: "When you change the way you look at
things, the things you are looking at change". Moving out from being a
"victim" to becoming the deliberate creator of my life was a major shift
of consciousness! And when it happened I surely became aware of my
thoughts, the way I talk and my choices! This is what I learn and practice
with the PPP. Creating My Life From The Inside Out! This what I call
taking true responsibility for my life!
Many Blessings to Elyse and her friend Max!!!
With Love and Divine Grace!!
Anicka Blais
The PPP, APP and certified
prosperity guide program have been HUGE blessings in my life! I joined the
PPP in June last year and the transformations since then are too numerous
to count. I have a background in healing science and have studied all
kinds of various modalities over the years. When I joined the PPP and
connected with the words of Abraham it felt as if all my knowledge was
falling into place and had found a way to be really down to earth,
practical and life transforming.
With the many tools in the
foundational program I cleared away more resistance and launched my
business professionally. I have had a private practice for years and it
was exactly that...private! Through the PPP I moved through the fears that
had been keeping me small.
My favorite Marianne
Williamson quote:
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most
frightens us... There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you..'
These words really struck a
chord in me when I first read them years ago and during the PPP I felt the
community energy and support really let me show up in my life and shine my
light brightly.
The APP with Max really
took this to another level and anywhere I had been holding myself back or
small was being placed in the light by the loving and gentle guidance of
the group.
Since then I have launched
several new classes and announced events even if I had no idea how they
would be presented yet!!! Jumping off the cliff and realizing I have
And as the dates of the
classes drew closer, the material just landed in my lap and inspired
action aligned all the right people and circumstances.
So to sum it up... I guess
I have become even more aware of my creative power and live a life filled
with more and more miracles and synchronicities. The awareness of the
importance of gratitude, the many PPP tools, the AWESOME APP and CPG
tools, and the community synergy are all, without a doubt in my mind, HUGE
contributing factors to this happening!
I recommend the PPP to
anyone who is willing and ready to show up fully in their life and would
appreciate the support of the warm group and amazing talents of Elyse, Max
and the entire PPP community!
Tina, CPG
Wisdom arrives in a myriad
of forms and faces. It is sometimes subtle, occasionally obvious yet
always of Spirit. The Prosperity Partnership Program is a wise, loving and
Spirit filled approach to creating abundance in all areas of life. My own
experience in the PPP has afforded me the opportunity to learn and
practice a wide array of highly effective techniques to remove blocks and
attract abundance. My understanding of prosperity has expanded to the
point that I can no longer comfortably remain in fears and feelings of
lack. Participating in the PPP has helped me remember that I create my
reality and I am not a victim. I am very grateful for the maturity and
freedom that have come to me from accepting total responsibility for my
life. The PPP has been an interesting, effective and welcome tool in my
process of change.
I joined PPP in September
for the trial and officially joined this month. It's been really really
amazing. I was reading everyone's stories just now and it got me so
excited and really tuned into my story.
Today has been an exceptionally hard day - the kind of day that I've
experienced before where it seems like all the work I've done to manifest
things and bring my life to its most positive vibration has failed
miserably. The great thing about today is that instead of going to that
dark, sad, depressed place - I was able to come here to the blog. That in
and of itself is the most wonderful, best blessing I've received from PPP
- a place to come to for support and encouragement and a "reality check"
(so to speak) that the gloom that I see is only a cloud over the truth -
and the truth is all the things we're learning and remembering here!
I can say concretely that in the month and a half I've been in the program
my relationship with my friends has changed dramatically - there's so much
more love, playfulness, fellowship, and camaraderie that just wasn't there
before. My money set-point has changed drastically too - I've been
introduced and directed to so many amazing concepts and practices and the
Prosperity game has been amazing fun. I've become a lot more confident in
my ability to be a successful business woman and holistic aesthetician and
have been seeing more clients because of that. And my general sense of
joy, even on this trying day, is so much more than it has been. I know
this is all do to PPP.
Being a part of a program and group of people that support and love you
and encourage you in this very important life work is such an amazing
gift. Thank you so much everyone and especially Elyse:).
Do I only get 15 minutes
(laugh!) to talk about my profound experiences with PPP!?
I have loved being a member since July 2006 and so much is different in my
life now, mainly just in the way I see myself and my 'reality' - and that
has made all the difference.
The first thing that happened almost immediately was that I began being
offered more work (I am a freelance chef and writer) than I had been hired
for all year. I also raised my chef rates and people have just said "OK"
ever since, so really, I am making more money per job than I ever have and
am attracting all the clients via referral, as I have really done
next-to-nothing to market myself except to do exceptional work on each
job. Now I know more than ever that I have both physical and non-physical
support so that on each job, I can just focus on doing the work I love and
have the rest (details, seeming schedule glitches, traffic in LA, and
anything else that might otherwise be considered problematic) just handled
as if by magic. This has been my experience on each and every of the very
fun, demanding, and high-paying assignments I have had since July. What I
call the 'gods jar' even warranted mention in my newspaper column because
I was able to handle a marathon weekend with grace and ease; my colossal
request for just that was put in the jar the day I agreed to the job,
knowing what other commitments I would have to juggle to do it well.
The 'gods jar' and letter to my higher self ("Univ Mgr") work wonders for
me, especially in my professional life. The 'shadow work' and 'return to
wholeness' exercises have been profound in my personal relationships -
all, I believe, in my becoming my own best self, with whom to match up
with my perfect man that I am mutually deserving of.
And speaking of, about 6 weeks into the course, I had a vivid and visceral
dream that I was in Rome, Italy, and knew I needed to stay. For good. In
the dream I was conscious that I didn't know how to do that but, I knew I
was in the (if only non-physical) company of PPP the end of
the dream I caught glimpses of Divine guidance, which I have/am now
following, to not only get me to Rome in two weeks for an initial trip, I
believe all of the PPP processes and inner work I'm doing will get me
there permanently, somehow, some way...and that is where I intend to have
a life with my true love as well.
Pursuing that dream (which is something I have always wanted) probably
would have been kept on a shelf indefinitely had I not joined the PPP.
I am tremendously grateful for this program, this support group, the
fabulous coaches (one of whom is Cora who wrote above - Brava!), my buddy
Jeanne Adams (whom I told FIRST when I booked my flight to Rome for Oct
29), and all of the other goodies that go with my association with all of
you...and it has been my good pleasure to write all of this. Happy
Anniversary PPP!!
Con amore!
Diane Scalia
I joined the PPP almost 5
and a half years ago. What I love most about the PPP is how practical it
is. When I joined first I had a lot of conflict in different areas of my
life. I used the polarity processing exercise and very quickly worked out
the core issues that I was bringing with me into each of these
relationships. I have totally transformed most of these relationships.
When you are a confirmed negative thinker, it is difficult to perceive how
things might change. The "what if" exercise is wonderful here and also
listening to Elyse's stories . I particularly loved the ones about the
swimming pool and the play park and winning the raffle. The prosperity
game is terrific to shift the money set point and is also a great way to
dream bigger. I love the PPP tools. There is simply so much practical
everyday wisdom in this programme . It is awesome.
Helen Mc Crarren

Sign up for a
free 2 week trial today!
Where do I start! I have received so many gifts/miracles in the past three
I have been a member of the PPP.
Joining the PPP has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. Even
I have done a lot of different transformational work the PPP assisted me
getting clear on what I wanted.
I use to live my life by what others wanted because I didn’t know what I
I was also afraid of saying what I wanted until I entered this magnificent
I have become a huge WANTING machine, I am getting clearer and clearer on
it is that I want to experience in my life. Most importantly I am
more and more of what I do want.
What I am realizing is the more I want - and the more I speak my wants -
more they manifest in my physical life.
Through Elyse’s kind and loving soul I got to know and experience Abraham,
Radical Forgiveness, Carol Look and so many more great teachers and
to assist me in manifesting all that my heart desires. Elyse so eloquently
teaches the law of attraction and how to manifest it into your physical
experiences in all area such as love, relationships, money, work, whatever
is wanting to experience in joy and harmony.
Through participating in the teleclass and the advanced PPP (masterfully
lead by
Max Wellspring) I can attest that I live a fuller and richer life. I am
manifesting more and more of what I am wanting. There is so much more that
have gotten from participating in the PPP not only on the manifestation of
physical things but also spiritually.
The magic of this program is that it keeps giving as much has you are
willing to
receive, it assist you in being a deliberate creator and choose what you
want to
experience next. This is how I experience this incredible gift from which
I live
my life by and I’m so grateful for the continual teachings.
Shirleen Johnson
I played the prosperity game on and off from about 2002. I joined the PPP
year, really enjoying the connection, inspiration and support that I felt
our community.
The most fulfilling part is enjoying the deliciousness of each and every
day. I
first heard this lovely word, 'delicious' from Elyse and it has certainly
to life for me being in the PPP!
I am more focused on seeing the good in myself and others, practicing
for what is already in my life and choosing to deliberately feel good in
and every moment... choosing well-being.
My upbringing had trained me to put more attention on problems,
what's wrong out there in the world and I seemed to be living in reaction
resistance to lots of things. I was bothered a lot by noise with my
children and
on one call, Elyse made a delightful suggestion to me to invite peace and
harmony to come into my life and expand. What a concept! Choose to focus
on what
I want - harmony and peace rather than on feeding the stress.
Like I said, life is simply delicious!
love and blessings,
Nicola Karesh
As a woman raised in the South, by Depression-era parents, it was never
acceptable (it was unladylike!) to "desire" things, or experiences or
wealth. I
got the unconscious message to stay behind the scenes, subjugate any
desires to
someone else, be a good and faithful...servant? Hmmm. I don't think it was
deliberate, but that was the message. :> Like several others, I was
to the PPP through the Prosperity Game. I played it in 2004, and --big
quit halfway through. Did it in 2005, managed to go to the end, then in
2006, did it again.
There was such a freedom in playing the Game, buying everything I wanted,
I was
motivated to make significant changes, to move toward making EVERYTHING I
desired, a reality. To begin, I decided to do a trial of the PPP. After
all, the
Game had been so helpful, I thought, why not check this Elyse person out
hang out with this group of folks to see what they might have to offer?
What was offered, and what I've received, is amazing, delightful, magical
deliciously fun. Don't get me wrong, it's not always easy to challenge the
long-held mindsets, but the rewards...priceless. Ha!
I've read the success/positive thinking books, and done a lot of programs
that subject. Elyse's PPP program has helped me integrate all I've read,
told, and seen manifest in others' lives, and really "get it" at a
level. The PPP promised - and is DELIVERING - an integration of all I've
learned, and then some. My relationships are wonderful (and they weren't
before.) I'm a writer/consultant, reawakening my business after focusing
family for several years. With very little effort on my part, my financial
situation is improving daily. DAILY. Yesterday I got a check from a new
She had spontaneously doubled my fee. Her note said I gave more than she
expected, she felt I'd charged her too little. That wonderful, abundant
excess occurred because I think differently about money, all due to the PPP.
Last but not least, one of the big issues most success gurus tell you is
with a success-minded group. If you want to lead a happy, healthy,
abundant life, and want to be with happy, prosperous, abundant people,
join the
PPP. I credit Elyse, my buddy Diane Scalia, and so many of the other
coaches and
participants on the program for being awesome community, for reminding me
that happiness, wealth, joy, delight in family and friends, success and
fun, fun, are all possible, simultaneously. I don't have to give any one
those things up to have the others.
Thank you, to the PPP community, to Elyse, and to my buddy Diane, for
being a
safe, encouraging place to spread my wings and allow all the amazing,
immensely abundant desires in my life to take root and grow. You're a
Jeanne Adams
Dear Elyse,
The most important difference in my life from my years in the PPP has been
realize that all is energy and that whatever my energy vibrations are is
what is
attracting everything in my life. By taking responsibility for all of my
experiences, and focusing on my intention rather than my problems, I have
achieved massive peace and joy in my life and increased my periods of
living in
the present moment regardless of what is going on in the world around me.
you for all of your love and support.
Peace, Love, Blessings,
Natalie Helms
I have been in the PPP for approx. 3 years now. And it just keeps getting
better. Though I had a pretty good grasp of the Law of Attraction
principles, I
was quite surprised to find that through the program, I started really
experiencing the subtle but powerful shifts one can achieve with
deliberate and
conscious creation. My life has changed and continues to change on so many
levels and I realize that, even after all this time, I am still learning
grasping. Aside from the emotional shifts, there have been many physical
manifestations. Just recently, I bought a new car and believe me when I
say that
was surely a miracle because I never would have believed I could afford
such a
purchase. I also manifested a gardener to help me maintain my flower beds.
a thrill!
I love this program and all the wonderful Souls who are sharing this
with me. Thank you Elyse for creating such a powerful program and the
space for
an amazing community to evolve.
Suzanne Caron
Being involved in the PPP program has been one of the best experiences I
had. It is as if what I have been searching and asking for, for several
has finally come to me. It was what I was asking for, and it was given to
Every time I am on the PPP calls something resonates with me, it is what I
to be hearing at that time.
I have seen and felt real change in my life since I started with the PPP 2
years ago. One of the biggest things that happened was realizing my
was so important. For years and years I was saying to myself 'if I have
money I haven't got the time to travel, if I have the time I haven't got
money to travel" I realized that was a self fulfilling prophecy!! So I
immediately changed my belief and wording to 'I have the time and money to
travel' and 9 weeks later I was having the time of my life on a dream
vacation for 3 weeks - all paid in cash, including having spending money,
I left. I came home with $1000 cash - and I didn't scrimp!
I have since taken the Advanced Prosperity Partnership Program and can't
begin to say how much I got out of that experience. It was truly amazing.
I feel and look different since I have been with the PPP. Money is coming
in on
a steady, regular basis, I am more happy - more often, my family and
friends are
looking at me differently - not really able to 'put their finger on what
difference is, but they notice it! More importantly, so do I. There is no
turning back for me.
Judy Basso
Certified Prosperity Guide
The PPP has come to me at a time in my life when I really needed it. Which
the way it was meant to be of course.
Our family moved from a place where we had lived for several years. In the
prior to our move I had begun some profound spiritual work and had a
group of people to work with. When we moved, I found it difficult to move
with the methods I had learned without the support of those people.
As well, our family had gone through some trying times leading up to our
departure which made me feel I really didn't have time for myself. Well I
up and was blessed to find this program.
I started the PPP in September of this year and have already received many
-the motivation to take a second job which serves several purposes, I get
spend time outside (my real job is indoors), I get to exercise, I get to
time alone (I have 2 young children and am an assistant manager at a large
wholesale company), and I get paid to enjoy all of the above things
-I have accepted an offer to travel with our Regional Marketing Manager
and get
to know his job, until this offer I had never even considered that my
would flow in that direction
-I received a miracle from Elyse in the form of my PPP buddy, I never
that someone would have undergone almost the exact challenges I have had
in my
personal life over the past few years.
I am truly thankful for these huge shifts in my life. I can't wait to
share the
changes that will occur over the next year in this program.
Love and Light,
I joined the PPP three years ago and became a Prosperity shortly after.
I grew up in Germany in a culture that rewards "hard" work. I had beliefs
myself that made me work harder and harder, often getting exhausted and
that I was doing enough (or being good enough). I realized four years ago
that I
didn't want to live like that anymore and of course shortly after was
given the
link to the PPP.
I now create from joy and ease. I have a deep inner knowing (most days!)
that I
am enough and that working harder is not the answer to manifesting what I
desire. In the process I have become more loving with my husband of 29
our children and myself. I know when to let go, how to be unattached and
my days from inspired actions. I impact the world around me in many
ways and have embraced Prosperity and Abundance as a way to coach, as a
way to
live and fulfill my destiny.
Thank you Elyse, Max and my fellow Guides as well as all of you.
Ursula Pottinga
It is with great appreciation that offer these words of affection for the
Although I had been keeping 'tabs' on PPP especially during the wonderful
experiments during the month of May, I did not join until this past July.
was a time of sadness, loss and anxiety over the sudden breakup of a long
relationship. This program was my life boat, a place to go every week to
inspired and accepted. Slowly, through the processes, lessons, clearings
deep wisdom of Elyse and the PPP program I began to 'come alive' again. I
slowly, but I actually mean that within only 3 months I feel stronger,
happier, and more ready to jump back into life and love again. In fact,
there is
already a potential new love which is so much a match to my new set of
that it is amazing to me to watch the unfolding. My favorite teaching is
that of
the idea of 'elegance'. Life can be lived joyfully, abundantly, with great
laughter and deep service. I am hopeful again, happy and eager for more. I
see a
beautiful 'yellow brick road' that I am happily traveling. I see emerald
city in
the distance. It is an easy journey that I am traveling with dear friends.
is beauty all around me and no rush to get anywhere. There are goodies all
the way. Thank you from deep within my newly expanded heart!!!
Much love
Joy Principe
Back in August I decided it was finally time to take control of my life,
become a deliberate creator. I started with a free 30-day Abraham workbook
together by a woman in Africa. Then I was turned on to the free online
prosperity game, which led to a money breakthrough teleclass. I enjoyed
that so
much I decided to make a major commitment for a year and join the PPP.
since, things have been happening more quickly! I received a scholarship
attend a guided imagery workshop (it cost me $50 rather than the usual
$400) and
it provided another tool to help me break through some long-time issues
with my
father. I followed my inner guidance and had my taxes redone and as a
result, am
receiving an additional $4000+ back from the IRS! And instead of being
overwhelmed by all that needs to be done to get my business and my home in
and running smoothly, I’ve been motivated and KNOWN what to do so I’ve
accomplished more in the past week than I have in months! And best of all
I have
received 7 commissions for artwork with a minimum of 3 more coming soon! I
LIKE A SUCCESSFUL ARTIST now and I owe it all to making a commitment to
and using the wonderful tools that PPP has provided me and more. Thank you
Elyse! Thank you God! Thank you Universe!
Pegatha McKeon
It’s been about five months now since I joined the PPP. The learning curve
been immense; at times incredibly joyful and others incredibly
bewildering, but
the essence for me so far has been about moving from curiosity to trust to
faith, as I’ve learned to create and what to let go of. Like the day that
'lost' a 7.5 million dollar funding opportunity for a business venture
would change my life. Instead of jumping into the role of victim and
others, I looked at what learning there was for me, what didn’t 'feel
with the deal from the start and what did I really want to do with my
Abundance is so much more than capital assets or a pay cheque, it starts
the heart and when you open yourself to it, welcome it and embrace it that
when it begins to flow.
When I started the PPP, I was desperate for change - a new career, new
move to a new city, a new life. Instead I transformed what I already had,
through renovations I have a beautiful home that nourishes and inspires
me, I’m
rich in relationships with family, friends and colleagues, I have
forgotten what
it is like to worry about money or cash flow, knowing that everything is
for a reason and I’ll be just fine. I know now that it’s not so much about
and take, but about sharing and that puts a whole new spin on the idea of
prosperity for me.
What’s next? Who knows, I am living in the moment knowing the journey is
so much
more important than the destination, and with this freedom, my life is so
that I have discovered what happiness is all about. It’s like that old
'when the student is ready the teacher will appear'.
Kenn Norman
I am ever so grateful for this site and game. I have been on my spiritual
for some time and this is a wonderful addition to my practices. I have
only been
playing the game for a few weeks and I look forward to what's to come.
I was introduced to the PPP through the
Prosperity Game. I was hooked. I
went on
and took the classes (a few times) and I became a Certified Prosperity
Guide as
well. I've been a member of the program for about 5 years.
Elyse has developed a fabulous program and it works! The most significant
for me was to let go of worry and to trust that I can attract anything
that I
desire ... I just have to let go of resistance and get out of my own way.
Part of the magic of this program is the PPP Community. I learn so much
from the
ongoing discussion group. There are always new participants, new ideas and
My involvement with the PPP has encouraged me to live a life I truly love.
left a traditional career 7 years ago and I've never looked back. I'm
to have such a rich and fulfilling life.
If you wonder about whether or not the program will help you, give it a
You'll be glad you did.
Peg Donahue
For those of you who are thinking of joining the PPP in order to suddenly
more money, I personally can’t encourage you as that has not happened for
me. It
may or may not for you. But the changes in my life since joining almost 3
ago are so much more important than that. In the beginning, the money
thing was
very important to me, but now, it just doesn’t really matter, because I’ve
experienced abundance in so many other ways that no amount of money could
brought me.
The changes have felt very subtle, but then, all of a sudden, I’ll see how
something is different. It surprises and delights me. Where I felt I had
no time
or freedom to do what I wanted, I suddenly feel like I have plenty of time
to do
what I want, when I want. Where I used to feel stuck in recurring
dramas, I now can either totally avoid the traps, or at least view them
from a
detached perspective, like I’m observing a play. I can then ask myself how
could do it differently, right now, so I can have a better outcome this
Where I felt like a victim, I see how I can make the difference that I
need. In
a job I’ve sometimes hated or been bored with, I now see its wonderful
and all the great life lessons I’m learning there.
I’m very happy most of the time now and know how to quickly work my way
out of
it when I’m not. I’m learning how to open my heart more to those around me
soften my harsh edges. I’m taking the risk of breathing life into my
rather than squashing them before I even begin. I’ve found the patience
willingness to stick with things, where I would have given up before. I’m
realizing and believing, for the first time, that it’s okay if I don’t do
right; I’m still a worthwhile person. I have been a seeker for 30 years,
like many others, have read a zillion self-help books, but these things
find a home in me until I found a home in the PPP. Elyse and the whole PPP
community are so fantastic, I can’t imagine my life now without them.
And, by the way, even without technically creating the money, I have a
abundant life, complete with a wonderful husband, nice house, lots of
trips to many parts of the world (one of my major desires), and the
freedom and opportunity to choose what we want to do with the rest of our
Thank you so much, Elyse!
Lynn Sweet
I joined the PPP last winter at the same time I transitioned from a
job to full time coaching and then lost all my clients. No job, no clients
I was
That first month you requested that we suspend disbelief, it seemed
As I went about the month, I trusted inner guidance and set my intention
to add
enough to my business account to help me through the first few months. I was
inspired to participate in a raffle at my children's school. The event was
out, so I asked to be notified if any one canceled. I received a call the
before the event that someone had canceled their ticket would I like to
it. I continued to hold my intention in a state of suspended disbelief and
followed my intuition. I received a call the night of the event that I had
the grand prize winner of $10,000. I was so excited not only to be able to
to my account but mostly because this was a deliberate creation.
I held my desire, without clutching to the how, and allowed spirit to
guide me.
This has effected me in so many ways, allowing me to not only know but
feel how
important it is to allow the flow and not to try control it, that's not my
I am prosperous in so many ways most importantly in the love that I feel
myself and everyone. Heartfelt Thanks Elyse for sharing your passion and
in such a powerful and practical way.
Cathy Brennan
Dear Elyse,
I can not remember life before the PPP. Thank you for blessing, enriching
opening my eyes to how abundant my life was and continues to be with my
increased and expanding vibration.
I was so excited when I first joined the PPP with the teleclasses, notes,
inspired actions, coaching sessions and the Yahoo group. You are truly
in your gift and balance of bringing these principles and resources
with a compassionate heart and open mind.
I wasn't without tools before I joined, however, I felt blissful with the
extensive resources and ability to have so much at my finger tips. I feel
supported and am able to support others in the PPP. The true cycle of
giving and receiving.
The PPP principles and tools are a part of my daily life. This has not
increased my abundance but allowed me to truly shift and transform my
stories. PPP principles and tools enrich my coaching practice and have
helped my
As a Prosperity Guide, I continue to be in awe of unfolding of the PPP. I
the new Anchoring Prosperity CD. I believe anyone on this journey will
benefit and align themselves for what they are truly wanting with this CD.
most amazing gift is being a part of this community. If you want more
in your life you can not afford not to become a part of this community.
With great appreciation and thanks,
Bonnie Snyder
Among the many things I could say about the impact of the PPP on my life,
are just a few things, by way of highlights...
(1) I have experienced increased physical wealth in the form of real
dollars and
tangible gifts... of course more 'money' wealth is always wonderful!
(2) I have an expanded sense of emotional and psychic prosperity too, in
form of increased confidence, energy and capacity to bring my authentic
gifts to
my life my and business...truly priceless!
(3) And then there's the wealth I feel so strongly about, more so than the
above even, and that is relationship wealth, in terms of being able to
love from friendships as never before...for me, this is true abundance!
Thank you thank you thank you to the Prosperity Partnership and its
Elyse. :-)
Andrea Lee
What is the most significant, most surprising or most fulfilling shift
occurred for you as a result of your PPP experience?
The biggest shift for me is-- I have release so much resistance. I didn't
realize how much resistance I had when it came to manifesting my goals. I
always set goals but didn't achieve them all. I now how enough tools and
processes to bring me in greater alignment to achieve my hearts desire and
releasing the resistance. I have made peace with contrast and for that I
grateful. Elyse, I wish and all the other PPP members mega success now
and in
your future endeavors.
In gratitude,
Cleopatra Bell
Joining this partnership was one of the best gifts I have given myself.
I didn't know what to expect when I started this course but I have gained
a lot
of valuable knowledge and a toolbox of techniques to assist me and my
clients (I
am a clinical hypnotherapist) in their healing journey.
This has far exceeded my expectations! In fact, being in a non healing
(I am a printer) this has tremendously helped me in my business and I am
confident it will help any one in business, marketing & sales, teaching,
management, medicine and the healing arts.
Elyse, I love your passion - I can hear it in your voice, what I also love
your style of being a moderator /coach /facilitator is that you give
where credit is due - I love how your integrity. Elyse is knowledgeable
helps create an experiential environment that fosters ultimate learning
extreme passion, humor, sensitivity, and creativity with the utmost
My intention is to continue with PPP even after my year's subscription is
up - I
feel a connection to other like minded people who are on their spiritual
and this is the only program I know of that provides a myriad
of prosperity tools and thoughts and ideas.
I continue with PPP with anticipation and expectation for the teleclass
Sunday evening (I live in BC, Canada). I even schedule my life around the
PPP teleclass so I do not miss it.. On several occasions I have been on
repeat calls on Monday evening and Tues morning. I have found that this
deepened my learnings - I feel myself being integrated more and more with
each teleclass.
I feel secure knowing that I am now able to improve mine and other
peoples' lives dramatically utilizing my new found knowledge.
Elyse, you are an inspiration to me.
Jackie Maclean
Dear Elyse,
The most significant and fulfilling thing I am experiencing as a PPP
member is
the energetic power of the community! The weekly coaching calls keep me
and in between I feel the energy of the group. My life is changing
and so are the lives of all who I am in contact with. Thank you from the
of my heart.
Lillian Bajor
