When the 'Prosperity Partnership
Program' (the PPP) was first introduced in October of 2000, we had
hopes that a small group of people would be interested in the concept
and would want to come together to play. Now (November 2005) as we
move into our sixth year, I am amazed at how the program has deepened
and evolved.
In its current incarnation, the foundational PPP program draws
hundreds of people together in partnership each week to experience
profound and lasting multidimensional energy shifts.
Each one of the members quoted on these pages took advantage of our
offer of a free two week program trial. Through participation in the
trial, prospective members get a very clear sense of how the PPP
approach can bring them to to a higher level of vibrational alignment
and a subsequent ease in manifestation.
Prosperity Partnership Participant Feedback
- from most recent member
* Note: Comments were provided anonymously for authenticity of survey
It works! The constancy
of having the PPP every week with the group coaching is like a friend
who is continually edging you to the best you can be. The intention
behind it comes out loud and clear: love, fun, support, feeling good,
sharing wisdom and ease. Elyse, yes I put you up on a pedestal but I so
admire who you are and the work you do. The people you attract to the
PPP are such a reflection of all the above and its a beautiful place to
The PPP exceeds my
expectations. Not only do I look forward to every interaction with Elyse
and everyone else involved in the program, but my perspective on life
has shifted in important ways. I now know that how I feel is much more
influential than any external detail or circumstance in how I experience
and enjoy my life! I experience much more joy and satisfaction while
also being more responsible -- and joyously so! -- for all aspects of my
experience. Having read many books and listened to many tapes about
creating my reality, I feel the PPP has made the difference in my living
the creation with full power and joy. I am grateful for this very
blessed gift!!
It has been the single best use of time and resources I've made in the
last year!
AWESOME! LIFE-CHANGING! Everything I have learned over the years
suddenly makes sense and I am LIVING it!
I found Elyse's way of teaching the Abraham material to be more
accessible than listening to Abe teachings directly. Her energy is high
and positive on the calls and she is very insightful in applying the
concepts to each member's particular blocks.
My life has totally changed since I joined! Great tools, great
presentation, all the elements work together wonderfully. This has been
one of the most important things I have ever done...joining the program.
It has absolutely, positively changed my life -- for the better. I am
living my dreams.
I find the whole format of teaching, sharing, exercises, notes etc in an
on-going way to be so very supportive. The fact that it's available
throughout the year means that, personally, I am able to come back to
myself (& the group!) when I stumble, lose heart or just get off track.
This longer format sees me thru the dips after the euphoria and gets me
back on track. Even if some of the material is familiar from other
sources I really enjoy coming back to it & having ways of making
practical use of it - the fun of it all has been invaluable. You've put
a wonderful programme together Elyse - I'm so appreciative.
It is fabulous! I feel very supported through it to reaching new belief
systems that are enabling me to create abundant income.
I have picked up so many useful tools that help me to focus on my life
in a much more positive way. I have worked with Abraham tapes for three
years and this takes that a step higher. There's a way that this hands
on interactive style bringing in other approaches has a way of squeezing
those underlying emotions out allowing me to put a magnifying glass to
them. I can see them more clearly for what they are. I am much more
attuned to my attachment to negative thoughts.
Even through I just started I will continue forever. It's a great
addition to my life and when I miss a live class I feel off kilter till
I hear the class tape.
This program is amazing! I had agreed with the teachings of Abraham, but
Elyse makes it practical. The PPP is a hands on, positive uplifting
program! Elyse is deliciously powerful, dynamic and personable. She is
inspiring and motivates participants towards intentional actions. My
life has been very synchronistic these last few months after joining the
program! Finances aren't the huge concern they have always been and I
have finally found my dream home! Thanks Elyse, you rock!

Sign up for a
free 2 week trial today!
I love hanging out with like-minded
people. I am always amazed at how each class has just the information
that I need at the time.
The PPP program has dramatically and positively impacted my experience
of life! I look at so much with a new perspective that feels positive
and joyful. I am looking forward to continuing to practice these
teachings and ground myself in them.
I think that Elyse has a living knowledge of Abraham materials and is
superb at imparting that. In addition the other materials she has either
brought into the program or designed herself add great value. I enjoy
the classes and the materials very much.
The PPP has introduced me to a wide
variety of tools for living and growing with guidance for how to use
these tools and a practice ground for trying them out (the teleclasses)
The framework of the teleclasses is magically interactive so that no two
classes are alike because no two groups coming together on the calls are
alike and the group on the call guides the direction of that class by
the participation of those on the call. I have witnessed amazing
synergies on the teleclasses. People attend from all over the world and
a common theme always emerges--everyone learns and draws support from
the 'virtual classroom'.
It has opened up whole new world to me as it is helping me internalize 5
years of listening to Abraham and other fine folks!!! The friends I have
made here are wonderful and I've learned with so many new ways to look
at old processes as an aid to reaching further for the thought that
feels best!
I love it and most of all Elyse for her insurmountable energy,
dedication and support of the PPP and PPP'ers. There is a radiance that
comes across the phone bridge that reaches out and grabs me. I can't
think of a time when I have joined a call feeling less than blissful and
didn't feel much better at the end of that hour. Thanks Elyse for being
such a great teacher, role-model and example of living with passion.
I'm really impressed with the program! My
life has gone into "fast forward" and it is really making a difference.
The energy and sincerity of Elyse is just wonderful. Sometimes when she
speaks she actually reminds me of Esther when I hear her channeling
Abraham. The intonations and everything. I really enjoy that. And of
course, the material is great! I've only had one group coaching so far
but it felt so good to feel supported. Just to know that others are
acknowledging and holding my intentions with me is more empowering than
I actually thought!
The PPP has helped create a much higher prosperity consciousness within
me and has allowed me to attract more and more avenues to elevate that
I love the PPP. The materials are fabulous. The tools I've learned have
helped me release things that don't serve me anymore and help me amp up
and bring what I do want into my life. The Yahoo support group is
wonderful too. It creates a community of like-minded people who are
supporting each other and holding the energy for one another as we all
go through the wins and the contrasts.
I really enjoy the way Elyse has structured the program. Receiving the
notes before the class is very helpful as are the follow up action items
and notes. The calls themselves are amazing. Elyse's energy is so
uplifting and positive. I don't feel like I'm taking a program where I
have to do all the steps each week. I really enjoy the fact that each
call is focused on a particular theme and at the same time I know I can
and will revisit each topic as time goes on. It's a very freeing
experience to be a part of the PPP.
My initial experience with the program assisted me in shifting my
perspective significantly. Future involvement has assisted me in
maintaining that.
I have found the program very rewarding and have made dramatic changes
in my life since joining. I have a new peace and prosperity with the
group and with an increased awareness of my blessings and abundance on a
daily basis. I have an increased awareness of what is necessary in my
life to take me forward. I'm finally meditating daily and enjoying it.
I love the way the group energy supports everyone and the notes that
keep on coming! Great exercises and deeper insight into Abraham
material, great follow-up and response and really feeling how everyone's
greater vision is held up to the light to shine. Speeds things up
tremendously - it certainly has for me!
It has been wonderful and the information has helped me shift my life. I
am transforming on a consistent basis from what I've applied from these
classes and the support via the yahoo group is so valuable.
I love getting the preliminary notes ahead of the session and the
inspired actions after. I love that the weekly calls and sometimes doing
the same class multiple times really gets my energy up and I'm starting
to stay there longer. I really love the group coaching and energy
processes. When I started I'd really been wanting direct help
implementing Abraham's teachings and now I've found it!
I think it is one of the best things I have done on my journey. It keeps
me going and has opened many doors for me.
I love Elyse's enthusiasm and kindness. I love the positive attitude and
drive with which she does the teleclasses. I think Elyse is remarkably
good as a teacher - great communication skills. Very clear
communication. I very much appreciate the weekly notes - very clear and
complete. A great source for me for continuous inspiration throughout
the week - I use the notes all the time as my' workbook'. I find I
really need the weekly teleclasses to keep myself in the flow, to stay
motivated and inspired. Less than once a week would mean I would sink
back into a denser way of thinking.
It is truly through the PPP that I am finally able to really make all
the concepts from the PPP (which I am already quite familiar with
through all my years of reading, meditating, practicing, workshops,
etc.) work in my life. I find I absolutely need the inspiration of
talking with like-minded people about these principles and concepts and
of having someone who really lives and dreams these principles as a role
model (Elyse). Elyse's firmly being rooted in these principles and
living them serves as a beacon for me, enabling me to stay on course. I
love the fact that the PPP program is so broad and complete. So many
tools to choose from - excellent.
The PPP has been the perfect vehicle for implementing the tools I have
been intellectualizing for a long time now and actually realizing them
in a practical way. The support is wonderful and amazing. It has been
instrumental in changing my life.
The program and the group energy allows each of us to move forward no
matter where we are or what issue we are facing. I like the fact that if
I don't resonate with information at one time, it will come up again and
again until I am ready to hear it. I also love the group coaching
sessions; that extra level of support is invaluable. And the Yahoo
discussion group is a wonderful way for me to stay plugged into the
deliberate creator energy.
Well, I'm new (3 weeks) but I appreciate the adding of resources I've
not encountered yet in the forms of new books and tapes to use to shift
my energy around prosperity. Also, I find Elyse unflaggingly positive
and cheerful and uplifting! I also appreciate that she works with a
person or persons on most sessions in brief spurts to demonstrate what
the shift she's going for sounds and feels like. Since it's a brief
shift, it gives me encouragement that perhaps I can shift myself to a
more continuously joyful place as well.
I enjoy being able to tune into the classes and get refreshed and
reinspired to create a wonderful, awesome life. Although I am often a
silent participant, I learn so much from the experiences and sharing of
the other participants. I always leave a call feeling connected and
vibrating at a high frequency!
Well, I just appreciate everything so much. I appreciate all the hard
work others have done so that so many techniques and teachings are
presented so concisely. I love the teleclasses. I love the group
coaching. I adore the user group.
I have very much appreciated everything this program has brought to my
life. It has enriched and helped me to move forward through a very
deeply transformative time in my life.
I enjoy the inspiring classes that always help me to stay on track, and
to take the time and practice the tools available. I also like the class
participation, as participants are at a high level of understanding and
spiritual foundation. Questions and comments are generally very thought
I like the sense of community and support I feel from all the members. I
like the practical tools we receive for practicing what we learn
What a powerful alliance of souls in search of mastering the Rules of
the Universe. Elyse has packaged techniques and exercises that open us
up and amplify our energies. I look forward to whatever this alliance
will bring all of us!
The program is very comprehensive, well thought out, and effective.
Elyse's style is enthusiastic, professional and the teleclasses are an
efficient use of time and energy. The notes and inspired actions are
great, and a good way to prepare and focus for the calls. They also
serve as a reminder during the week to stay on track.
Love the teleconference and IA's Elyse's leading style staying on
message. Her ability to go with the flow and maintain core prosperity

Sign up for a
free 2 week trial today!
It's ingenious!! The classes, the notes,
the Yahoo group, the monthly coaching, the primer, and the skillfulness
of Elyse and Max are all a blessing, reasonably priced and conveniently
located. (Right in my own home!) :)
It is great to know others are on the journey with me. The energy and
wisdom of the group is wonderful. Elyse is walking the path along with
us. I learn something each Sunday just like listening to the Abraham CDs
each week.
It has worked wonderfully to help me integrate what I knew
intellectually into my everyday life. The calls, the Yahoo group and the
individual and group coaching are all exactly what I need.
I love getting the lessons on a weekly basis and practicing on my own. I
think it is such an individual process of learning and really doing the
practices. Receiving them weekly serves as my reminder to stay on task.
I think you are doing a wonderful job of getting the info to us. I
always get reminded of what I need most to
I just love Elyse's program. Her energy and insights are wonderful. I
look forward to class each week, and am continuing to 'remember' more
and more each week. The Yahoo boards are really great as well. It's so
incredibly encouraging to have access on a daily basis to this group.
Elyse has created something totally wonderful, and should be very proud
of her accomplishment! :) She's helping so many people - many of whom
she'll never come in contact with. Like a pebble dropping into a pond,
her influence goes out into the universe like the circles of waves
created by the pebble. She's an inspiration to us all.
I like the readings and activities....they have changed my life and
outlook dramatically.
It is a solid positive program filled with multiple options to do the
work and get support. I appreciate that each class, even through a
second round, etc. is "new", as Elyse brings her current personal
The PPP has truly been a gift for me. I'm glad that I followed my
instinct to join this program. I can honestly say that the PPP has led
me on a path of true prosperity from the inside to the outside.
The tools and techniques are excellent. The inspired actions are well
thought out and very useful.
The positive energy keeps me on my path.
I love the overall energy, the Abe quotes and the exchange of
information and perspectives.
Definitely a thought provoking introduction to paradigms and perceptions
new to me. An amazing way to practice and develop these new thoughts,
and certainly an inspiring, uplifting and supportive community as I
process these shifts in my own experience.
Elyse is an excellent teacher and coach. Having the class recorded is an
enormous benefit to me personally. I'm am always hearing something new,
some new perspective , new wording, new "cut" on what I've studied for
years and years and I find it invaluable!
The program is very inspiring. I love the teaching style Elyse uses, she
is very clear and thorough and detailed in the information given. She
gives many examples and I love the different guided imagery used, it is
very helpful. She is always eager and willing to help with whatever she
can to help you achieve your inspired goals.
Many well intentioned people; a very supportive environment; interesting
and thought-provoking material
This is the second time I have taken the course and I find it to be very
helpful... learning different helpful new ways to look at prosperity,
and new tools perhaps even to help stay in the flow and keep the energy
levels high and positive.
The leadership is very safe, positive and non-judgmental. The
information is in depth and many examples and references are so helpful.
There is a lot in place to support all the members between the list
serve, group coaching, email support from Elyse when needed and the
opportunities to be coached. There is a lot of material so there is a
lot of choice of tools to meet everyone's needs.
Elyse - I think you are brilliant at dealing with people in a way that
empowers them. You are always in reflecting wholeness to all in that you
take their word for their position and work from that. You are also a
very good listener.
I believe PPP is part of the UNIVERSAL plan for our evolving as
spirit/human to the next higher level through the awareness PPP brings
of Truth
It has given me tools to be joyful and follow the path I have chosen and
that I have forgotten. It has changed my life and increased my joy,
gratitude and the way I move in life, with more opportunities for
positive things to occur.
I have gained enormous benefits from the program which have been ongoing
and sustainable in all areas of my life. Deeply grateful!
I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! I look forward to class every week! I've learned
so much, and moved forward so quickly in my quest that if I didn't know
better I wouldn't believe it! I am not alone any more in my search, I'm
home! My heart sings, I feel Wonderful, I love life, I love MY life, and
I love ME! It can't get much clearer than that! My GUNK is gone, out
with the trash as they say, I've learned the tools needed to get rid of
and get over it, how amazing! How miraculous, it's what I needed.
Sunday evening is a great time for this class. I am able to start the
new week with positive energy. Elyse is highly credible and I appreciate
the sense of courtesy that people are not talking over each other.
Provides great material, new, up to date as well as earlier and
'classic' material. Resources and tools provided are a very positive
I have learned (and am learning) so much, and am applying the principles
of what I have learned. Because of this, I have been noticing the
miracles taking place in my life.
Like community energy is incredible. Shifts in all areas of life occur
during the calls and after the calls
The PPP Program is brilliant, well organized and delivered in an
energetic, enthusiastic, and articulate way. The notes are very helpful.
Elyse's optimism is contagious and addicting.
I look forward to hearing the lessons each week. Elyse does a great job!
As I've evolved my visions have expanded. The program has proven to be a
catalyst for me to measure my desires and resistance as new ones keep
coming! The intentional group support both cuddles me and inspires me.
The universal laws reveal themselves broader and wider in every session.
It has made an important change in my life. I feel stronger and more
grounded in my spirituality and joy. I enjoy the wealth of information
provided, the numerous tools and their varieties. I truly appreciate and
enjoy the exposure to new processes, and the power I have felt from that
exposure. I enjoy Elyse's passion, warmth, and responsiveness.
This program is very significant and instrumental in guiding us all from
a place of lack to a place of prosperity in all areas of our life. We
uncover our stories and beliefs, use tangible tools to help us stay in
the higher vibrations, and see evidence (results) in the outer parts of
our lives in ALL areas, not just the money areas!
I like the interaction, I love Elyse's energy - it is grounding/ up
lifting on each of the calls - I know there are plenty of resources out
there that I have yet to take advantage of - I like that I have a
partner and community to call on. Love the interaction and response from
Elyse on a personal level
Elyse's calm, charming and confident personality greatly inspires me
each week. As she willingly shares her life experiences and insights,
she helps open my understandings of situations in my own life. I've
grown and expanded my perceptions so much since I started the PPP - I
now know, that no matter what
happens, I cannot fail.

Sign up for a
free 2 week trial today!